This event took place on one sunny day in summer. Adam and Eve decided to go out and play golf. Adam was not playing very well and he cursed every time he missed his putts on the green. He would start with god damn and get progressively worse and eventually kept saying FUCK every stroke. Eve tried to console him and told him to stop cursing because God is watching them both from the sky...... 30 min into the game, it became cloudy all of a sudden and started raining hard with thunder rambling nearby. Both Adam and Eve kept playing and Adam continued to say Fuck. Eve continued to tell him to stop cursing as god will get angry. At that moment, there was a lightening and it hit Eve and she basically was electrocuted instantly and dropped dead.....Adam just stood there wondering what just happened a few seconds ago. Then he heard a clear voice from the sky above....."FUCK".
アメリカに夢見て人生初めての飛行機に乗って渡米したのが1989年。 いろいろあってその28年後の現在はボストンにてサラリーマン生活。 みなさんが楽しくそして確実に実践英語の力がつくようにブログを日々更新していきまーす。